Here are some sweet/sad crocheted bracelets I’ve made using plastic alphabet beads. The alphabet beads are arranged in two rows dividing the word “HOPE/LESS” between two silver coloured star-shaped beads. I have made several styles using various combinations of coloured beads and cream or baby blue coloured silk yarn. I might make some with baby pink yarn later. Round metal tags stamped with “Minus Sun” are attached. Those are stamped one by one by myself with a hammer. I like the sweet, childish, and nostalgic atmosphere of the alphabet beads combined with this downhearted word. I suppose you would expect words such as “Hope” “Love” “Happiness” etc. for this kind of jewellery but not with me. I like my work to sympathise, rather than cheer up forcibly. Hope you like them and be happy! The star-shaped beads are pointing out the first row after all.
12 09 2016