This project's concept is "night and the night sky". You can read the story and have a look at the embroidered story book below. It is set sometime before the original "You're all mine. (You're all in me.)" story. Read the synopsis of the original story to know the secret of the girls, if you don't know yet.

-the sun=night
No.0 is a 17-year-old girl who has been 17 since turning 17. She lives with her 9 friends, who are numbered No.1~No.9.
That day was a sunny day, a fact that none of the girls cared about. Some of them didn’t even notice. They longed for the sunset and the clear night sky which followed.

No.0 the Controlling Girl
She works till late every night and wishes the night will never end. It makes her feel uneasy when she looks at the window and see that the night is ending. She needed more time to make all the clothes she wanted to make for the other girls.
That night, No.0 decided not to work because her hands and arms were tired and almost didn’t feel anything. She has been shutting herself in her room for days just working. She will go talk to her 9 friends tonight.

No.1 the Suicidal Girl
She falls asleep every night thinking “This is the end.” and that she will never wake up. But in the morning she wakes up realising that she hasn’t disappeared yet and waits for the night to come again.
It was 10pm when No.0 came to No.1’s room. She was depressed as usual, her eyes red from crying too much. “What’s the point? I will be like this until I die.” No.0 cheered her up, “No, you won’t. You are going to be a star one day.” No.1 said, “I know. I will become a star in the end.” No.0 stayed by her side and spoke sweet nothings until the tired girl fell asleep very quickly.

No.2 the Sensuous Girl
She is feeling slow and empty during the day. At night, she would either wait for a man or go out to find one to satisfy her. For her, clothes are not for wearing but for taking off.
At 11pm, No.2 was dressed up and ready to go out. No.0 felt sad because she didn’t want any men to touch her. No.0 wished she could make her understand that she didn’t need others’ attention to confirm how attractive she was. She asked why she kept wasting herself like that. No.2 said, “I’m not being used. I’m using them.” and she disappeared into the darkness outside as usual.

No.3 the Smart Girl
She is a serious girl who likes studying and being organised. Her notebooks are so neat that her handwriting is called “handtyping.” Unless she has a plan with others, she studies without knowing if it’s day or night.
It was past midnight and No.3 was drawing her own star chart. No.0 told her that she should go out to see the real stars. No.3 said, “I’m fine with my dots and lines. The real sky is a mess.” She loved star charts more than the actual night sky because she preferred a set of diagrams to something which looked like scattered sugar. No.0 scribbled a shooting star on her star chart and left her to it.

No.4 the Cultured Girl
She likes spending a whole day in the cinema. She enjoys the darkness in the theatre and doesn't mind the sun if it’s on the screen. Having to be friends with sunlight for taking photos is one of her dilemmas.
No.4 invited No.0 to watch a film together around 1am. No.4 was constantly looking for her dream girl in films, images, stories, lyrics, and wherever she went. Referring to a girl in the film, she said, “I just like looking at her.” No.0 said, “Do you know that you kind of look like her?” but No.4 was too focused on the film to hear it. No.0 realised that No.4 was always looking for a girl like herself.

No.5 the Self-Conscious Girl
She does not want her skin to see the sun. She loves dressing up but prefers to go out in the evening when it is not too bright. She likes it when her skin looks as if it’s glowing in the dark.
No.5 was on her bed, painting her toenails when No.0 visited her at 3am. The red colour of the nail polish was striking against her pale skin. No.0 said, “You’re as pale as the wall.” No.5 seemed amused by this and finished painting her nails. No.0 held one of her ice-cold feet and blew on the freshly painted toenails. Then No.0 noticed that her own hands looked as pale as the foot she was holding.

No.6 the Dreamy Girl
She mostly remembers sad or sour ones but she tries hard to go back and stay inside when it’s “a dream come true” dream. She sometimes goes to other girls’ rooms at night to enter their dreams.
At 4am, No.6 was sleeping and No.0 decided to talk to her in her dream. “What do you see?” No.6 opened her sleepy eyes for a brief moment, closed them again and said, “I’m flying and smiling.” It was the dream she only sees once a year. No.0 slept beside her for a while and dreamed of kissing No.6 but she was her twin sister in the dream. She woke up with a very strange feeling.

No.7 the Amusing Girl
She likes to make the other girls laugh since she thinks that’s her role. Every night, she doesn’t go to sleep until she has figured out what to say or what to do the following day to entertain the girls.
No.7 was asleep but woke up when No.0 visited her around 5am. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” said No.0. No.7 replied, “That’s okay… but in that case, creepy.” and checked the time. “The sun is coming up soon to destroy me so I shall go back to sleep, bye.” No.0 laughed at first but then felt that it’s not really a joke for her. The sun blinds her and she doesn’t like how it always looks happy whatever her mood.

No.8 the Passive Girl
She spends her time doing things for other people and what she is asked to do. At the end of the day, she feels a sense of achievement but she has no idea what her meaning is.
No.8 is usually up till late but even she was asleep at 6am. No.0 turned off the radio which was left switched on. She remembered how No.8 did not like going to bed because she “misses” the world. She never decides to go to bed. She stays awake doing something until she falls asleep unconsciously. No.0 left her room quietly although she knew it was almost impossible to wake her once she was asleep.

No.9 the Solitary Girl
She likes to be alone because she feels lonely when she is with other people. She sometimes has trouble falling asleep at night because she hears voices in her head.
When No.0 visited No.9 around 7am, she was awake in her bed. It was unusual for any of the girls to be up so early. No.9 told her that she’d just spent the whole night trying to sleep. No.0 said, “You don’t have to see people you don’t want to.” No.9 still seemed tense but replied, “I like you because you like me.” No.0 felt pain in her heart to hear that but she gave her a hug and left.

-the sun=rain
No.0 came back to her room feeling sad that the night had ended but noticed that it wasn’t becoming bright behind the curtains. A gloomy day was the perfect day. She convinced herself to go out because she couldn’t remember the last time she had which was unhealthy.
No.0 got dressed, went out of her room, and opened the front door. She then closed the front door, came back into her room, and undressed. “I can’t do this.” She wasn’t going to have a sun stroke without the sun but felt faint. No.0 climbed into her bed and closed her eyes. It was raining outside.