25 04 2013

the Passive Girl’s dress and apron set calico ver.

This is the calico version of the Passive Girl’s dress and apron set of “minus the sun, night all day” collection. It is a set of a pleated dress and a pullover apron. There are gaps between the wide neckline of the dress and the narrow neckline of the apron. The hem of the pleated skirt peeks out from the hem of the apron. The main dress has a boat neck, French sleeves and a low waisted pleated skirt. The neckline and sleeves are finished with binding. The apron has cotton ribbon trimmings and a large jetted pocket at the front.  The shoulder section crosses at the back and the hem is curved to reveal more of the pleated skirt.

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The main dress worn alone
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the dress neckline close up
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the apron pocket close up
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